Become a Prayer Supporter

Sign up to our Monthly Newsletter (Faithful Steps) and become a prayer supporter.

Either email provide your name/s, the email address that you wish us to send our Monthly Newsletter to, and any other details that you wish to share.

OR fill out the form below:

Become a Financial Supporter

Partner with us: Your donation (once off or regular) not only builds our vision but leaves a legacy.

Give instruction to a wise man, and he will be still wiser; teach a righteous man, and he will increase in learning - Proverbs 9:9

Donations can be made to:

Account Name: Australian Christian Tertiary Educ Ltd

BSB: 638–060

Account Number: 15775445

Under ‘Reference’ please add your name so that we can send you a receipt and keep in contact. Donations are not tax deductable at this stage.